Projects done at the Getty Conservation Institute as part of the Seismic Retrofitting Projects of the Earthen Architecture Initiative, led by architectural conservator Claudia Cancino.
The conservation projects were developed locally by the Architectural Office of the Ministry of Culture of Peru – Cusco (Kuño Tambo rural church) and Jose Garcia Bryce Architect in Lima (Cathedral of Ica), coordinated from Los Angeles.
With architect Elena Macchioni, we acted as Technical Editors for the Spanish edition of the scientific publications.
Church of Kuño Tambo
A year in the filed 2014 (clip)
Getty Conservation Institute website
Non-destructive evaluation: An Introduction
Scientific translation of technical reports to Spanish
Cathedral of Ica
Cathedral of Ica
Cathedral of Ica
Getty Museum
Church of Kuño Tambo
Church of Kuño Tambo
Church of Kuño Tambo
Seismic Retrofitting Project academic team
Hector's desk - Getty Conservation Institute
Getty Conservation Institute
Getty Villa
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